Consider These 12 Critical Questions Before You Craft Your Company's Mission Statement

Let’s simplify this. If you’re an entrepreneur drafting a company mission, these are the key questions you should ask yourself:

1. Ask *what’s important to me*? Remember, your values should influence your company’s mission, not generic ideals.

2. Think: *will this mission guide my company towards growth*? Your mission statement should resonate with not just your current audience but potential clients as well.

3. It’s crucial to create a mission that *inspires action*. Avoid confusing industry jargon; focus instead on inspiring your team and setting achievable goals.

4. You should definitely be asking *how is my company unique*? Remember, competition is inevitable; understanding your unique value sets you apart.

5. Clearly establish *who your target audience is*. That’s who your mission should cater to and you’ll need it to draft a relevant vision.

6. Asking *will our mission stand the test of time*? is important. Your mission should be sustainable, with the ability to guide your strategy in the long term.

7. Check if your mission *aligns with your customers’ needs*. Remember, your customers are key, and their needs should influence all aspects of your company.

8. Take a second to consider if your mission is *understandable to people not in your industry*. Ensure it’s straightforward, without unnecessary fluff and jargon.

9. Understand *why your brand exists*. Your company’s mission should clearly express your purpose and values, representing your unique position in the world.

10. Always ask whether your mission *resonates with everyone in your company*. Having the entire team’s viewpoint is essential and contributes to a more inclusive and representative mission.

11. Ensure your mission is *genuine and matching your team’s actual capabilities*. Your mission should be a true representation and not an overpromise.

12. Lastly, your mission should be both *now-focused and future-oriented*. It should be wide enough to allow for growth, but specific enough to guide current actions.

This list was shared by successful young entrepreneurs from various industries as part of the Young Entrepreneur Council. They represent a significant part of the global economy and are passionate about fostering entrepreneurship.